- 11.10.21 => Umherirrende Porträts | Linz with Group LaBolsa @ Posthof Linz AT
- 9.10.21 => Umherirrende Porträts | Salzburg with Group LaBolsa @ tanz_house festival Salzburg
- 29.4. - 2.5.2019 => ChoreLab Workshop @ tanzhaften Festival Linz AT
- 20.4.2019 => LoSt with editta braun company @ tanzhafen Festival Linz AT
- 11 & 12.4.2019 => Wallflowering @ Mercat de les
flors Barcelona
- 14.3.2019 => Kaleidoskop @ Posthof Linz AT
- 15.2.2019 => Paula with editta braun company @ Festival PlaStforma
Minsk, Belarus
- 4. - 21.2.2019 => Teaching @ Institut del Teatre Barcelona
- 20.6.2018 => Paula with editta braun company @ Ecole des Sables, Toubab Dialaw Senegal
- 17.6.2018 => Paula with editta braun company @ Subito Austria, Teatros del Canal Madrid ES
- 20.5.2018 => The measure of disorder with LaBolsa and Thomas Hauert @ Festival Les amplitudes,
La Chaux de Fonds CH
- 27.4.2018 => Paula with editta braun company @ Festival
Horizont, Miskolc Hungary
- 21.4.2918 => UJE(CI) with W&M Physical Theatre @ Dance Festival Kielce Poland
- 5. - 22.3.2018 => Teaching @ Institut del Teatre Barcelona
- 14.2.2018 => WALLFLOWERING @ Posthof Linz
- 2. & 3.1.2018 => WESELE with W&M Physical Theatre @ University of Calgary Ca
- 26. & 27.01.2018 => KURZE ABHANDLUNG ÜBER DAS NICHTS @ Identities - University of Calgary CA
- 19. & 20.01.2018 => UJE(CI) with W&M Physical Theatre @ Pro Series University of Calgary CA
- 10. & 11.11.2017 => LOST with editta braun company @ KosmosTheater Vienna
- 20.10.2017 => Round Table Discussion - Science & Arts @ Interacció Barcelona 2017
- 29.9.2017 => LOST with editta braun company @ Roxy Ulm
- 15. - 17.9.2017 => KURZE ABHANDLUNG ÜBER DAS NICHTS @ Antic Teatre Barcelona
- 14.9.2017 => BLIND HORIZON Instant composition with Manel Salas Palau, Julyen Hamilton, Paolo Cingolani and Núria Andorrà @ Antic Teatre Barcelona
- 7. - 10.9.2017 => Workshop Automatic Constructions & KURZE ABHANDLUNG ÜBER DAS NICHTS @ UGO Festival Modena Italy
- 3. - 7.7.2017 => Workshop Automatic Constructions @ La Caldera Barcelona
- 29.5. - 10.6.2017 => Training for Professionals @ Tanzquartier Vienna
- 29.5.2017 => End of the Rain with Patrick Huber and the not shaved ones @ Tanzhafen Festival Linz
- 20.5.2017 => Uje(ci) with W&M Physical Theater @ Festival Kroki, Krakow
- 15.5.2017 => Kurze Abhandlung über das Nichts @ Tanzhafen Festival Linz
- 17.-19.3.2017 => WALLFLOWERING @ ABC La-Chaux-de-Fonds
- 8. & 10.3.2017 => PREMIERE WALLFLOWERING @ ARGEkultur Salzburg
- 28.1.2017 => LoSt with editta braun company @ Kunstbox Seekirchen
- 5.11.2016 => KURZE ABHANDLUNG ÜBER DAS NICHTS @ Lange Nacht der Bühnen Linz
- 19 & 20.10.2016 => LoSt with editta braun company @ ARGEkultur Salzburg
- 23.7.2016 => PAULA @ Oberwart
- 22.7.2016 => PAULA @ pelzverkehr Klagenfurt
- 17.6.2016 => LoSt with editta braun company @ Estruch Sabadell
- 8.4.2016 => KURZE ABHANDLUNG ÜBER DAS NICHTS @ Posthof Linz
- 25 & 26.03.2016 => THE MEASURE OF DISORDER @ Les Brigittines Brussels
- 13.03.2016 => PAULA @ Festival Alt Vigo
- 17, 18 & 19.02.2016 => Premiere of SILENT CREATURES @ Mainstage UoC choreographed by Iris Heitzinger with and for students of University of Calgary
- 21.11.2015 => SingSpiel @ Kosmostheater, Wien
- 7.11.2015 => PAULA @ Kunstbox, Seekirchen
- 18.10.2015 => BREVE ENSAYO SOBRE LA NADA @ tanz_house Festival, Salzburg
- 17.10.2015 => LIRIO ENTRE ESPINAS with Cia. Guillermo Weickert @ La Rambleta, Valencia
- 3.10.2015 => THE MEASURE OF DISORDER @ Charleroi Danse, Belgium
- 27.06.2015 => Paula @ Dance Days, Chania
- 14 & 15.06.2015 => THE MEASURE OF DISORDER, PREMIERE @ Grec Festival, Barcelona
- 22.05.2015 => LIRIO ENTRE ESPINAS with Cia. Guillermo Weickert @ Teatre Central, Sevilla
- 15 & 16.05.2015 => LIRIO ENTRE ESPINAS with Cia. Guillermo Weickert @ Teatre Alhambra, Granada
- 28.03.2015 => BREVE ENSAYO SOBRE LA NADA @ Lange Nacht des Tanzes, ARGEkultur, Salzburg
- 6.03.2015 => THE MEASURE OF DISORDER - Open rehearsal @ L'Animal a l'Esquena, Celrá
- 14.02.2015 => BREVE ENSAYO SOBRE LA NADA @ MACBA es viu/Barcelona
- 25.01.2015 => PAULA @ Festival Monospektakel/Reutlingen
- 27.11.2014 => PAULA @ Festival Tanzkosmos/Vienna
- 11&12.10.2014 => premiere of PAULA @ ARGEkultur/Salzburg
- January 2014 => collaboration on the project "Les Biches" @ Theatre abc, La-Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)
- 23.&24.11.2013 => CAÍDA LIBRE @ Espacio Inestable Valencia, 20h
- 14.11.2013 =>Trinity @ Festival MIRA, CCCB Barcelona, 20.30h
- Archive calendar available soon!
(c) Elisa Unger